Sealey Associates

Our Services

Higher Education Innovation and Collaboration


We create targeted, personalised learning experiences that help academics achieve happy and successful careers. We support the development of essential skills in networking, stakeholder management, leadership and grantmaking.


We offer training online and face to face in areas such as strategic career development, stakeholder management, grant capture, responsible innovation and policy engagement. We use tools such as Mentimeter, GoogleDocs, GoogleJamboard and Trello to create inclusive online learning environments.


We help create new opportunities for collaboration. We facilitate workshops between academic and non-academic stakeholders both online and face to face. We use design thinking tools to help generate innovative new ideas. We draw on Mentimeter, GoogleDocs, GoogleJamboard and Trello to create dynamic, collaborative online learning environments.


We help to improve relationships with policy, industry and NGO stakeholders through targeted projects and initiatives. We support researchers and Universities to develop stakeholder partnerships that deliver long term value for all parties.

Initiative design
Initiative design

We help to deliver change by offering organisational needs analyses, competitor analyses, scoping studies and business cases. We have advised multiple Universities on the creation of large scale institutional initiatives that are underpinned by income and impact generation plans.

Proposal development
Proposal Development

We support successful, complex bids to major funders including UK Government and UKRI. Our associates have supported 100s of applications over many years.

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